The Call Him Goldfinger

So what do you say to your guitar player at the end of a show, when he tells you he broke his finger the morning of and played three and a half hours like a champ? First,  you say thank you followed by how the f–k did you do that? For anyone, who is not a fan of pain can you even imagine not having the use of one of your fingers and trying to work? Now imagine you play the guitar which requires the use of all fingers, and they need to move quickly at times….owwwwwwww! Vin Raucci is the definition of trooper to say the very least, and when he said this at the end of the night we were blown away. Unfortunately for Vin,  he was in severe pain the morning after our show at the Red Room, which is a part of the now famous Cast Iron Chop House. This meant he would not be able to play our next show a benefit for Operation Hope the Horseshoe Café the following Monday, just a few days away.  In years past,  one of the players from the J Geils Band had done the feature show for Operation Hope which takes place each year right before Thanksgiving. Fortunately for us, our bass player Bradley had a friend named Michael Galgano who knew some of our material, and Mikey G was willing to help us out in our hour of need. It felt as if Michael had been with us right from the start and the audience loved his performance right out of the gate. That being said, we decided quickly to add him to our growing roster and make him part of the Moonshine family.


Sadly for us after the holidays we would lose two of our original members. John and Stefanie Dennis had something that would require their undivided attention for the next few months and they would eventually leave the band for good. We will always be thankful for the time we had together as a group, and the laughs we had rehearsing in their music room. They will always be a  part of the Moonshine family, and we know good things lie ahead for these two.


Next: Vin’s Recovery & Send In The Girls!


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